The IGFM results are in! Our game Mind Wall didn’t make the cut but it did get an honorable mention in the Best Mobile Game Design category. I admit it, I was sort of hoping for a reason to get to GDC this year but alas, it was not to be.
Hit for the full story
iPhone apps dominate
Big congrats to the finalists, wow, it looks like all but one are for iPhone/iTouch devices. (The single exception is for the DSi)
Complain as you will about the ‘race to the bottom’ pricing and crapware flooding the iPhone, but wow, it’s also truly a fertile space where people are taking chances and making original and incredible things. Reminds me a bit of the crazy C64 days, almost.
LD power
Hat-tip to fellow Ludum Dare alums Dock (Tumbledrop) and Tonic from Secret Exit (Stair Dismount) for making finalist in the technical achievement category.