Built/consolidated a new beast of a machine - wrx90e sage mb with 7 GPUs (300+ GB VRAM), 512 GB system ram. A real case was out of the question but this mining frame works, fits into the VR/retro stuff room nicely. With its 10gb internet connection and 192 threads I'll bet it could run the entire Growtopia server! (well, the 2017 version at least) It's actually just for serious number crunching, training improved Mahjong decision making models now.
Hmm, when playing 4-way split screen, one player must be None or CPU? Were there multitouch issues with 4 human players?
Hey Dan, the game does fully support 4 human players at once, but during beta testing we noticed that input can be flaky due to hardware issues if your fingers are using too much surface space.
So instead of “4 players, unless you have big oaf fingers!” I’m just going to officially support three. The option remains for the daring though… or if future hardware/OS fix the input issues.
Looks really nice and I love the chiptunes! Now, if you port it to android I’d be the first to buy it!