Door game source code release – RTReader

Many moons ago I made a door game scripting engine that read “ref files” (short for reference, I think) to control  what the users see.  Later, this reference file system was used as the base for LORD 2: New World.

Someone asked me today for the source and as I don’t think there are any legal entanglements with releasing this, here ya go.  (About the LORD/TEOS/LORD2 source, I’ve been trying to buy back the rights forever so I can legally release them too)

RTReader V??? source code (probably incomplete and can not actually be compiled, written in Turbo Pascal 6, requires Scott M. Baker’s door driver)

Note:  Does anybody perchance have the RTReader door game .zip file I distributed back in the day?  I think it was a weird kind of “RTsoft company update and virtual interview with Seth” thing, please drop a comment if you know where to find it, thought it might be good for a laugh. My google-fu failed.

UpdateHere is the RTReader thing I was talking about (Thanks Jay).  I’ve packaged it with DosBox, just click play.bat and it will run.

It’s just as hilarious and bad as I expected, complete with tons of misspellings and random things such as a virtual interview and a “game” that ends with a madlibs style story.   It calls itself “Bloody Claw Newsletter Issue 2 from June, 1995”.  So there must be an “issue 1” out there somewhere?  Did an issue 3 ever make it out the door? Hrm.

5 thoughts on “Door game source code release – RTReader

  1. Levi D. Smith

    Very cool! I would definitely like to see the LORD BBS code if you can ever release it. I played it all the time on INDEX BBS in Atlanta back in the 90s.

  2. Pingback: Introducing REFDoor – >

  3. T.J. McMillen

    :( So sad. To buy something and basically sit on it. Anyways, if you feel like checking out your old game with every IGM that still works, telnet over. ;) The Titantic BBS Telnet – That and 1200 other doors, and 178 shareware CDs so you can view and download the past as long as you like. ;)

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