Congratulations, you made it to 2010!
Happy new year to you and yours from all of us as RTsoft! (Fine, it’s just me and the family and I didn’t really ask them, but whatever)
Mind Wall blowing minds.. sort of
Christopher Hyde has listed his favorite free games of 2009 and our humble freebie Mind Wall clocks in at #47.
If you’ve got an iPhone/iTouch, I know you’ve already downloaded this way cooler version that has new modes and international rankings.
Latest project
I’m plugging away at the Dink Smallwood port, going to post another ‘developer diary’ soon about that.
First 1 star iTunes text review of Dungeon Scroll for iPhone
Yeah, what’s with that? An iTunes user review chastised me for not releasing an update and fixing “all the bugs”. Huh?! What bugs?
I’ve had a lot of emails and the closest thing to a bug is people not understanding that it automatically saved your game if you quit, or not understanding some aspect of the rules. (Ok, improving the in-game help text is a legitimate gripe)
If you know of any bugs in Dungeon Scroll for iPhone, please email me about ’em because if there WAS something wrong, I most definitely would work fast to fix it. I can’t help it if it’s my most stable V1.0 software release ever. Hey, I’m as surprised as you.