8 thoughts on “Dungeon Scroll now available on Android powered devices

  1. Erik

    I got an error about the package being incorrectly signed until I uninstalled the beta and repurchased, FYI.

  2. Troy

    I purchased (not having played the beta, but seeing it mentioned on this blog!) but I was unable to install. Pretty sure the first time I installed (wasn’t watching at the time) my phone rebooted. The next attempt showed an “Install Unsuccessful” error.

    Use an EVO 4G, stock configuration, without many other installed apps.

    I hope you don’t mind, but I used the Android refund capability. I’ll definitely re-buy when it becomes more stable… I’m a sucker for these sorts of games :)

  3. Pingback: Dungeon Scroll on your Android for free today – Open beta « Code Dojo

  4. Erik Harrison

    Seth –
    I’ve played the game a couple of times now and the sudden sound stoppage bug is constant but I can’t find an exact trigger. I’ve got music off, I play through the game and at some point (thus far at the end of a battle) the sound effects drop out. No change to the settings under options fixes the problem. I have to exit out of the game completely (via the back button) and restart it.

    Also, the shake to jumble is still awful sensitive on my Droid, but I’ve just turned that off so no worries.

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